Here’s how to filter certain emails straight to a folder instead of the inbox.
Make the Folder
If you are wanting to filter emails to trash or spam, you can skip this part since they are already existing.
Make sure to create the folder you want your email to be filtered to first.
When you are looking at the webmail, click on the “Settings” icon
Then over on the left you will see “Folders”.
Click the Plus symbol or the Create button (according to which skin you use) and then name your folder on the right and click Save.
Create a folder and name it what you want.
Create the Filter
When the folder is created, look on the left menu again and you will see “Filters”.
Click that and you will see a Filters column appear.
Click the Plus symbol or the Create button (according to which skin you use)
Name your filter at the top.
You can choose to filter email by who it’s from, the subject, etc, from the drop down list. and put in the text you want it to look for.
Choose “Move Message To” and then choose the folder you just created (or another folder) from the other drop down list.
Click Save at the bottom.
Repeat those steps for any filter you need to set up.
Example: You could have one folder called “Newsletters” for all newsletters you get. You then filter every newsletter that comes in to that folder by adding them one at a time to the filter and choosing the same folder.