Whether you are here because you want to unsubscribe from your account or you are here because you just clicked the Cancel button by accident, here is how our system works with cancellation:
You may cancel your subscription at any time in your My Account Area by clicking on the Cancel button in the Billing Subscription area (see below).
CANCELLATION DATE: Due to the nature of our email subscription, your account won’t actually cancel until the end of your payment period so you will have until the next payment date to change your mind unless your account has been refunded by request. Then your access ends immediately. Refunds are not automatically given upon cancellation but can be requested during the first 48 hours after subscribing. Refunds are up the discretion of ILJ Mail. We will not issue refunds if you signed up for our service and have sent or received email messages or violated our terms of use.
Here’s how to Cancel:
Log in to your My Account area. Click Subscription (or My Subscription). Click Cancel. That's it!
If you can't remember your billing login information, you can use your recovery email to have it send you a password reset link.
Click on Subscriptions over on the left menu:
You will then see your subscriptions listed (if you have more than one):
Choose the subscription you want to view by clicking the blue “View” button. That will show you the subscription details.
If you want to cancel your subscription, click the blue Cancel button.
A green bar will show up at the top of the screen showing confirmation that it has been cancelled.
If you click it by accident, don’t worry! You can click “Reactivate” just as quickly.
The screen will turn to this again: