While signed into the main webmail interface:
These instructions will vary according to which “skin” you have decided to use, but if you haven't changed the look of your webmail and are still using the default skin, this will be the correct instructions.
- Click the Settings link.
- On the left of the screen, click Folders. The Folders panel will appear.
- The create new folder button is either a plus icon at bottom of the panel or a “Create” button to at the top right.
- Name your folder in the new screen that appeared on the right.
- If you want this to be a sub folder of an existing folder, you can choose it’s parent folder. If you want it to show up just underneath the Inbox, choose Inbox here. If you want it to show up at the very bottom of the list of folders, don't choose anything here.
- You can change your viewing mode if you like (List or Threads).
- Click Save.
- When you go back to your mail screen to view your inbox, you should see your new folder on the left side of your screen. You can drag email to that folder to keep or you can now create filters to automatically filter emails there if you wish.
If you do not see your folder on the left side of the screen when viewing your inbox, go back into the folder settings as described in steps 1 and 2 above and make sure that the “switch” is turned on next to it. If it is turned off, the folder will not show up in the list by the inbox.
If you want to change where your folder is or rename it, etc, just go back into the Folders settings and click the folder to see the edit screen. Don't forget to click save when you are done!