Looking to add a signature to your emails in our webmail interface? It’s very handy if you want to sign your emails a certain way every time or if you have a link you want to share with every message such as to your blog or website.
Setting Up an Email Signature in Webmail:
Sign into webmail
Click Settings
Click Identities on the left
Click your email address in the middle column
In the right column that shows up, there will be a place to create your signature.
Click Save when you are done.
Make Your New Signature Active:
When you have your signature set up and ready to use, do these next steps to make sure it is added to your outgoing messages:
Click Settings
Click Preferences
Click Composing Messages
In the right hand column, there will be a section called “Signature Options” where you can set your preferences there. At the very least, change the drop down list next to “Automatically add signature” from “never” to what you prefer.